Div’s Blog

December 10, 20194 min read

HTTP Requests

Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is an application-layer protocol for transmitting hypermedia documents, such as HTML. It was designed for communication between web browsers and web servers, but it can also be used for other purposes.

In short, HTTP makes client and server communication possible, which is how most web applications work. In order to facilitate this communication, HTTP comes with a set of request methods (a.k.a HTTP verbs). In this post, I’ll list down the most commonly used methods and their behavior (good interview revision).

Request methods

All these are conventions, meaning its up to the server to follow them. For example, it’s possible to create a new resource on a GET request but conventionally we only use GET for fetching data (without modification of any server resource).

  1. GET - for fetching data or a resource
  2. POST - for sending data or creating a resource.
  3. PUT - for creating a new resource or updating (replacing) the target resource (completely) with the request payload.
  4. PATCH - for partially modifying the target resource with the request payload.
  5. DELETE - for deleting the target resource.
  6. OPTIONS - for describing the communication options for the target resource. Mostly uses request and response headers for communication. Commonly used in preflight requests for CORS.
  7. HEAD - for fetching only headers for the target resource or endpoint. These should be the same headers which would have been sent for a GET request. Conventionally, body shouldn’t be send in a HEAD request; if sent it should be ignored. HEAD can be used to decide whether to request the complete resource or not (for example fetching a large file).
  8. CONNECT - for initiating a two-way communication tunnel to the target resource.
  9. TRACE - for a message loop-back test along the path to the target resource (for debugging purposes).

Safe methods

Safe HTTP methods perform no side effects on the server, they’re used only for read operations. They’re therefore also idempotent, same request when fired multiple times causes no additional changes on the server.

For example, performing a GET request to fetch some resource should cause no side effect on the server (say GET /albums), whereas a POST or PUT would end up creating or updating a resource (say POST /albums or PUT /albums/definitely-maybe).



Idempotent methods

These are methods which can be performed any number of times and cause no additional change on the server despite being called many times. The first request can cause a side effect but when the same request is sent multiple times, it should cause no additional change and return similar response.

For example, performing the same PUT request with payload would cause no additional change to the resource (say PUT /albums/imagine with payload { "artist": "John Lennon" }). Similarly a DELETE request to the same endpoint would delete the resource on the first request and subsequent requests would return 404 as the resource would have been deleted (say DELETE /albums/wandering-star).

All safe methods are idempotent but not vice-versa.

Idempotent: GET, PUT, DELETE

Non idempotent: POST, PATCH


Use POST when the endpoint doesn’t specify the target resource, for example POST /albums would create a new album on the server. On the other hand, prefer PUT when the target resource is specified, for example PUT /albums/bryan-adams.

Another way of looking at this is PUT should guarantee idempotence. If the same request can be fired multiple times without creating any additional side effect on the server (besides the first time) it should be a PUT. If the same request when fired multiple times creates a new resource (or any other side effect for that matter), its better suited for a POST. This StackOverflow thread goes into much more details.


PUT is idempotent and PATCH is not. This StackOverflow thread has great examples on when to use which. It also explains when PATCH can be idempotent and non idempotent.

Divyanshu Maithani

Personal blog of Divyanshu Maithani. I’m a software engineer working mostly on frontend. I also create programming videos with my friend. In my spare time I play music and DoTA.

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